Fez soundtrack rar
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As I have mentioned in the beginning of the story, the soundtrack is my contribution. The soundtrack was designed to be part of the new FTL experience, so it fits perfectly.
I wanted to give it a different kind of feel than the previous FTL soundtrack, and by doing so, I wanted to keep a strong, but different, 80s feel. At the same time, I wanted to add a feeling of
… and rock!
This was possible by using electronic instruments and rock elements, so a lot of elements in the soundtrack are meant to represent these two things.
It took a while to finish this soundtrack, so I would like to show my gratitude for all the people who helped me during this process. I would especially like to thank:
my wife who was always supportive and understood what I was doing.
my son David, who helped me by having a lot of ideas about the music and what kind of elements should be included in the soundtrack.
Alexis Lancaster for the inspiring readings that I took.
All the musicians I got in touch with, who helped me by giving their feedback about the different parts of the soundtrack.
Martin W. S. Carnavon for his comments about the use of the elements he created.
My studio who helped me by offering their time and their location.
Anthony Thorne who did the mastering.
My long time friend and fan, who has been supporting me ever since the beginning of the soundtrack.
Alexandre Prokoudine who gave me a lot of encouragement and helped me with a lot of ideas and suggestions.
There are quite a lot of things I would like to say, but I think I would go over the blog limit. So I would like to finish by thanking you all for all the support.
Download Soundtrack
[An hour later]
Since I believe the soundtrack is finished, I decided to release it. I would also like to thank all of you who downloaded it.
It is my pleasure to have shared my soundtrack with you.
[the next day]
[10 days later]
I wanted to create a post for this event to mark the milestone, but unfortunately, I did not find the time. So I just decided to post the soundtrack itself.
I hope you all enjoyed this, and I hope ac619d1d87
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